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Juvenile Crime aka Schoolgirl in Cement (1997): Full-length movie commentary and review in English

This is a movie commentary and movie review of Juvenile Crime (1997). Continue reading “Juvenile Crime aka Schoolgirl in Cement (1997): Full-length movie commentary and review in English”

Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (1995): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English

Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (1995): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English. Continue reading “Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (1995): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English”

Ranking the three Japanese movies that have been made about the murder of Junko Furuta (1995, 1997, 2004) – English Review

I’m going to rank the three Japanese movies that have been made about the Junko Furuta case. Continue reading “Ranking the three Japanese movies that have been made about the murder of Junko Furuta (1995, 1997, 2004) – English Review”

Juvenile Crime aka Schoolgirl in Cement (1997) – English Review

The story of Junko Furuta and her 40 days in hell. Continue reading “Juvenile Crime aka Schoolgirl in Cement (1997) – English Review”