Insane (2016) – English Review

A woman is in some way kidnapped, and she is admitted to a psychiatric hospital where she is beaten and medicated. After a while, the hospital burns down, and she is now accused of killing her father who was a police chief. A journalist is trying to find out the truth, and it turns out to be a pretty disturbing truth.

Insane is not a good movie. It’s a movie that never engages as it thinks it’s very smart when it reveals the truth. Now I fooled you, says the movie to you, and thinks it’s very smart. No dear movie, you are just stupid!

I have over the years seen so many of these South Korean thrillers who think they are very smart, and you just get tired of watching such bad movies. The scripts in these movies are usually generic, and the big twist or reveal is for the most part disappointing. Don’t play smart with these lousy scripts!

The whole movie is a mess, and it seems like the movie is trying to tell us that there is something wrong in South Korea where people out of nowhere can be admitted to a psychiatric hospital without being mentally ill.

But the so-called psychiatric hospital in Insane is not a psychiatric hospital. And what could have been an interesting topic doesn’t become interesting when she is not admitted to a real psychiatric hospital!

Towards the end, we get to see a very cruel scene that should make you laugh. It should be a touching scene, but the whole movie is so silly and stupid that you are only embarrassed on behalf of the filmmakers.

Insane is a silly movie with ridiculous characters and a lousy story.

Rating: 2/10

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