The evil Japanese!
The evil Japanese terrorizes Chinese martial arts schools, and now one school has had enough! And they have Jackie Chan on their team! But the Japanese have sent over a dangerous martial arts expert who has also brought his daughter. And it looks like she comes straight from the Amazonas.
The very untalented Lo Wei was searching for a new Bruce Lee after his death in 1972. Lo Wei got his long and greedy fingers in Jackie Chan. Poor Jackie Chan! But even if he was in hell, he got his name out there. That was important.
New Fist of Fury is the sequel to Fist of Fury. It’s a boring movie where we see Jackie Chan getting beat up and then disappear midway through the movie. He reappears towards the end, and he trains so he can beat up the evil Japanese. He becomes the new Bruce Lee, and it’s just pathetic to see that Lo Wei has used pictures of Bruce Lee from Fist of Fury when Jackie Chan carries around the school sign like he was Jesus Christ. My God, Lo Wei was a horrible and talentless director!
The best thing about New Fist of Fury is the Japanese. They have at least some personality, especially father and daughter are some wonderful, evil characters. We also get to see some decent fight sequences. That’s the only nice thing I have to say about this turd of a movie directed by Lo Wei. And that doesn’t come as a shock.
New Fist of Fury is very tedious, and it isn’t a movie that has withstood the test of time in terms of the generic story it tells. And Nora Miao, you deserve a slap in the face for taking part in this fish! What’s wrong with you, woman?