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So Long, My Son (2019) – English Review

We follow a married couple who experience good and bad things over several decades. The worst thing they experience is losing their son in a drowning accident. That deprives them of living a normal life, because the government won’t allow them to be happy. But they stand tall, even though they have received several hard blows in the stomach. Continue reading “So Long, My Son (2019) – English Review”

Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014)

black coal thin ice

Vi følger en tidligere politimann som forsøker å løse en drapsgåte som aldri ble løst når han var politimann. Nå har det gått noen år siden man oppdaget flere kroppsdeler som var spredt rundt omkring i forskjellige kullgruver, men plutselig en dag så skjer det samme igjen. Har dette noe til felles med den gamle saken? Continue reading “Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014)”