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Our Departures (2018) – English Review

A young woman must take care of a young boy who kind of becomes a stepson to her when his father dies. They visit the grandfather of the boy. The only problem is that the grandfather doesn’t know that his son has died, and he didn’t know that he had a grandson. Continue reading “Our Departures (2018) – English Review”

Roommate (2013)


En kvinne blir kjørt ned av en mann, hun overlever og våkner opp på sykehuset. Hun får god kontakt med en sykepleier, og det ender med at de flytter inn i sammen. Men det er noe galt med denne sykepleieren, for det viser seg at hun har flere personligheter. Skummelt altså! Continue reading “Roommate (2013)”

Check It Out, Yo! (2006)

Tre kamerater vil bli hiphop-stjerner. Problemet er at guttene ikke har talent. Continue reading “Check It Out, Yo! (2006)”