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Our Departures (2018) – English Review

A young woman must take care of a young boy who kind of becomes a stepson to her when his father dies. They visit the grandfather of the boy. The only problem is that the grandfather doesn’t know that his son has died, and he didn’t know that he had a grandson. Continue reading “Our Departures (2018) – English Review”

Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (2014)

rurouni kenshin kyoto inferno

Kenshin Himura må ta opp kampen mot en annen sverdmester som vil at Kyoto skal brenne! Hans navn er Makoto Shishio! Continue reading “Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (2014)”

Rurouni Kenshin (2012)

rurouni kenshin

En sverdmester som har bestemt seg for å aldri drepe igjen, ankommer en ny by der en rikmann produserer opium og gjør som han vil. Men sverdmesteren har andre planer. Continue reading “Rurouni Kenshin (2012)”