Blu-ray Disc, Canada, Dramathriller, Filmanmeldelser, Frankrike, USAMunich (2005) Captain Charisma / 06/12/2017 Blodhevn.
Blu-ray Disc, Filmanmeldelser, Komedie, USAThe Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) Captain Charisma / 04/08/2014 Did he just throw my cat out of the window?
Action, Filmanmeldelser, Storbritannia, USAQuantum of Solace (2008) Captain Charisma / 01/12/2012 It’d be a pretty cold bastard who didn’t want revenge for the death of someone he loved.
Action, Canada, Filmanmeldelser, FrankrikeMesrine: Part II – Public Enemy #1 (2008) Captain Charisma / 07/05/2009 Jacques Mesrine takker for seg.