The Night House (2020) – English Review

Out of nowhere, a man commits suicide. His wife is in shock. But strange things happen in the house, and she senses that her husband is still around. So she starts digging into his past, and things get more complicated.

The Night House is an interesting movie that I think will split the viewers. I found the first hour fantastic with the atmosphere and the tension that the movie creates. But then it’s time to reveal the secret that the husband was hiding. And that secret would I say is somewhat controversial.

I’m not going to spoil anything in this review. But there’s a scene early in the movie when we see some women running around. I thought to myself that I know the secret that the husband was hiding. And I was sort of right.

But then I also felt that something was wrong, and I liked that interpretation better than what the movie first led up to. But there’s also something completely wrong with the books and how the movie tries to lead us in a third direction.

So it’s a movie that has three paths, and you have to sort of choose your own path. I don’t know if that was a wise choice. The first hour is so good, and then it felt like the director tried to please everybody which was a mistake in my eyes. He should have chosen the dark and empty path. I’m not going to reveal more.

Rebecca Hall must carry the movie on her shoulders. And she carries the movie like a champ. You feel and can see that she lives in a bubble. And you start wondering if she’s going insane and that she will hurt someone. And I was also unsure if she had anything to do with her husband’s suicide. So she’s really solid as a distressed woman.

The Night House is a movie with a lot of mystery and atmosphere. It’s also a movie that has too many balls in the air when it tries to confuse and satisfy most viewers.

Rating: 7/10

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