Across the Furious Sea (2023) – English Review

The daughter of a Chinese man is found stabbed to death in Japan, and the father loses his mind as he’s out to get his hands on the daughter’s boyfriend whom he believes killed her. But the boyfriend’s mother is willing to protect him at all costs. The chase is on!

I didn’t expect “Across the Furious Sea” to be as entertaining and engaging as it was. This is a fast-paced movie that is all over the place at times with its tone. It’s dark, violent, depressing, thrilling, and not exactly rooted in reality because there are not many consequences for actions here. And man, the cinematography is so beautiful, and the score is excellent and emotional. This is one good-looking movie!

But there’s, of course, one problem here, and that is the ending. It had to have that extra scene that destroyed the darkness of the movie. Welcome to the sick world of CCP. Maybe I should stop calling China “China” because the CCP doesn’t represent the real Chinese at all. But the sickos called CCP destroyed another fantastic movie with a silly ending that is forced on brain-dead people who are members of the CCP. There’s not much going on in the brains of those members. So my advice to you is to stop the movie when it ends the first time. Just stop the movie, and let that dark feeling sink in. It felt so great.

But even with the stupid CCP extra ending for the brain-dead ones out there, this isn’t a perfect movie. It’s a moody movie that feels like a Jean-Pierre Jeunet movie when we follow the daughter in Japan where she is throwing out the shoes from the window. The way the scenes are shot and the way the characters behave in those scenes feel like a totally different movie than the rest of it.

Then it transforms into a chase movie, and the scene on the bridge is so beautifully shot, even though it has some dodgy CGI moments. But in the end, this is a heavy drama movie. That becomes also the movie’s weakness because there’s so much going on here, but there’s not much depth here. But I understood what the movie was going for, and I loved the bizarre, energetic, and emotional journey it took me on.

The acting is excellent. I’m not a huge fan of Huang Bo, and I hated his character in the first 80 minutes because his character is an idiot, and he’s not a good man. You will find that out on his journey. Xun Zhou, who plays the mother, is one of the best actors in China, and even though she had a punchable face early in her career, I have to admit I’m a fan of hers. You didn’t see that coming, did you?

Skip the extra ending scene, and I can guarantee you that “Across the Furious Sea” will impress you in almost every entertainment department, except that there are almost no consequences here for bad behavior. Some characters just disappear from the movie and are never seen again. That felt lazy.

Rating: 8/10

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