Creepy (2016) – English Review

A former cop moves into a new home with his wife. The cop thinks their closest neighbor is a creepy guy, and he suspects that this creepy neighbor might be a serial killer.

I think director Kiyoshi Kurosawa has found his way back to his old form. He’s still a bit uneven, but if you have seen Real (2013), you can see and feel that he’s on the right track again. He’s a master at creating a tense and unsettling atmosphere when he has something good to work with.

And I liked Creepy. It’s a movie that can annoy considering how silly the cops and the characters are. But the atmosphere is good, and the actor who’s playing the creepy neighbor is amazing.

But there are things I didn’t quite understand. Especially the relationship between the creepy neighbor and the wife of the former cop. There are things happening here with these two I didn’t understand at all. When they are together, the movie doesn’t show us enough to explain the relationship between them.

The characters in the movie are not exactly characters with a lot of substance. They are mostly one-dimensional.

The dark and tense atmosphere that Kiyoshi Kurosawa is known for as a movie director is present. This is a movie that has several big holes in terms of the story, but the most important thing is that the movie is engaging. And even though the characters are dumb, this is an entertaining journey that I never felt got boring. But this is a movie that leaves many questions and not enough answers.

Rating: 7/10

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