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Escape from Mogadishu (2021) – English Review

People working at a South Korean and a North Korean Embassy must try to get out of Mogadishu when rebels are trying to take over the capital. So the South and North Koreans must forget that they are enemies. But will they manage to do that? Continue reading “Escape from Mogadishu (2021) – English Review”

Ghost Mansion (2021) – English Review

A webtoon artist gets obsessed with an old apartment complex. It has a reputation of being haunted, and he meets a caretaker that tells him stories of some missing tenants. Continue reading “Ghost Mansion (2021) – English Review”

Traffickers (2012)


En gruppe med smuglere får i oppdrag å kidnappe en kvinne for så deretter å drepe henne slik at de kan ta hennes organer og smugler organene inn i Kina. Men ikke alt går etter planen, for når de tror oppdraget er fullført starter helvete. Continue reading “Traffickers (2012)”