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Silent Hill: Revelation (2012)

silent hill revelation

Heather er på rømmen med sin far etter hendelsene i den første filmen. Men Silent Hill lar henne ikke få være i fred, så nå venter en ny tur til helvete. Har hun kjøpt enveisbillett, eller tur-retur helvete? Continue reading “Silent Hill: Revelation (2012)”

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

a clockwork orange

There was nothing I hated more than to see a filthy old drunkie, a-howling away at the filthy songs of his fathers and going blurp blurp in between as if it were a filthy old orchestra in his stinking rotten guts. I could never stand to see anyone like that, especially when they were old like this one was. Continue reading “A Clockwork Orange (1971)”

Halloween (2007)


These eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocents, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, they absence of light, these are of a psychopath. Continue reading “Halloween (2007)”