The Black House (1999) – English Review

the black house

An insurance agent gets in trouble with a couple of crazy clients who will do anything to get some insurance money after their son committed suicide while the insurance agent was visiting them.

I thought that it was something familiar after 20 minutes when watching The Black House. Suddenly I discovered that the South Koreans had remade this Japanese movie in 2007. I love the remake, so I was curious if there was a big difference between these two movies. There has also been a Hong Kong remake, Legally Declared Dead (2019), which tries to be more like the Japanese movie. But Legally Declared Dead isn’t a good movie, so I don’t recommend watching it. Watch the Japanese movie and the South Korean movie.
And yes, there are big differences between the Japanese movie and the South Korean movie. Especially the atmosphere and tone we find in the Japanese movie is much lighter compared to the South Korean remake. The South Korean remake is dark and gritty, and the Japanese movie is goofier and has a strange selection of music. I must admit that it took a while before I got into the movie because of the strange atmosphere that The Black House has. It plays more on black comedy than suspense.
But this is a wonderful and charming movie. Where the woman in the South Korean remake is dark and serious, the woman in the Japanese movie is a more colorful character who is very charming. One can not help but like this strange and twisted character.
If you like the South Korean remake from 2007, you must also watch the Japanese movie. I can promise you will get a different viewing experience watching the Japanese movie with its crazy energy. And it has one of the most bizarre making-out scenes I’ve ever seen when the crazy woman wants the insurance agent to taste her melons, and at the same time, they are trying to kill each other. And her melons are so beautiful! I wish I was an infant again and could suck on those melons! Come on, give me some milk Mommy!


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