Evil Dead Rise (2023) – English Review

Oh no! The kids are here!

All horror fans love the Evil Dead franchise. I’ve watched all the movies many times, and I also loved the TV series. And I really enjoyed the 2013 remake too. It was maybe too dark for an Evil Dead movie, but it was so much fun and had lots of creative and intense moments. But then they had to bring in the stupid kids!

Evil Dead Rise is a boring and generic horror movie with no soul. It feels like the movie has lost its soul! The plot takes place in an apartment where a boy, the only male in the family, stumbles upon something he shouldn’t have, leading to the awakening of a demon that possesses his mother. Their aunt is there to protect them, and the story unfolds from there.

The movie does have some visually cool scenes, but apart from that, it falls far short of the intense and enjoyable moments of the remake. It doesn’t feel like a true Evil Dead movie. Instead, it feels like any other possession-themed movie out there. It becomes boring with the irritating kids, and I have to admit, I found satisfaction when one of them got roughed up. I hope they suffer in hell, those stupid idiots!

And I wanted to puke because of the feminist undertones. There’s only one male character here, and of course, he’s portrayed as a stupid idiot. Seriously? And the scenes where the protagonist delivers epic lines that belong to Ash made me cringe. It was embarrassing! I’m so sick and tired of this feminist agenda! Where is Sean Connery when we need him? He needs to smack those bitches hard like a real man!

The characters are not enjoyable to follow; they’re just trash. There’s no creativity here, and as always, I don’t find demons scary. They’re more amusing than anything, but the movie tries too hard to make them terrifying, and it just doesn’t work. There are plenty of gory scenes, but they fail to match the intensity we saw in the 2013 remake of Evil Dead.

Evil Dead Rise is a boring demon movie with a weak script. The characters are dull, and after 55 minutes, I had to pause the movie four times because I needed to take a nap. I’m getting too old for this nonsense. Instead of wasting your time on this unoriginal copycat movie with no new ideas, just watch the 2013 remake.

Rating: 4/10

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