May the Devil Take You: Chapter 2 (2020) – English Review

Alfie is kidnapped by a group that previously lived at an orphanage, which was run by an evil and cruel man who played with dark forces. Doesn’t that sound familiar? It turns out that the past isn’t done with Alfie.

I didn’t like the first movie, so I couldn’t have lower expectations when I sat down to watch May the Devil Take You: Chapter Two. The sequel is directed by Timo Tjahjanto, who also directed the first movie.

Although May the Devil Take You: Chapter Two isn’t a good movie, I felt it was better than the first movie. The pace is higher, and few scenes drag out, which is good. I also liked that the special effects were better, and we don’t see too many demon faces made of CGI, which I just laughed at in the first movie. The sequel mixes practical effects and CGI, which works well.

The movie creates a lot of tension, and the soundtrack and sound effects are also good. What isn’t so good are the empty characters and Chelsea Islan. The characters are poorly written. You just don’t care about them at all. I wanted the demon or demons to win because the characters are hollow inside. I’m not sure if there were just one or several demons, I can’t remember. Sorry!

Then we have Chelsea Islan who’s playing Alfie. She annoyed me in the first movie, but in the sequel she surpasses herself and I just want her to quit acting. I hate Kristen Stewart, and it seems like Chelsea Islan went to the same breathing school as Kristen Stewart. Not only does she moan a lot, but her overacting is also some of the worst I’ve seen in my life. And trust me, I’ve seen a lot! She makes some weird facial expressions, she screams a lot and I thought several times a demon had possessed her. But no, it wasn’t a demon. She’s trying to act! What a miserable and embarrassing role interpretation we are witnessing! Put your career on the shelf! Stop making a fool out of yourself! I’m a better actor then you!

May the Devil Take You: Chapter Two keeps a much higher pace than the first movie. It also has several graphic scenes that I liked, and the atmosphere it creates is also very good. 

May the Devil Take You: Chapter Two reminded me a bit of the Evil Dead (2013) remake, a movie I love. I don’t love May the Devil Take You: Chapter Two, but it’s at least better than the first movie. Unfortunately, it’s destroyed by several poor actors and empty characters. This could have been a very good popcorn movie if the movie had better actors and dropped Chelsea Islan.

Rating: 4/10

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