Sex and abortion.
Sex Is Zero has a great start with some funny scenes that you will always remember. Putting it in the wrong hole, puking followed by some kissing with a lot of drooling. And the big highlight is a sandwich that contains fried semen and rat poison. Then of the central characters in the movie finds out that he’s hungry and eats the sandwich while the others in the apartment are trying to take the disgusting sandwich from him. This scene is fantastic!
But then it comes, the terrible genre-mixing from deepest hell! Suddenly, the atmosphere changes completely when abortion comes into focus. Who cares about abortion in a sex comedy? Imagine that American Pie and other teen comedies that focus on horny boys and slutty girls suddenly find out it’s time to change the topic, and the topic today is abortion! Jesus Christ, I know how much South Koreans love melodrama. There was a time they showed so much lack of knowledge of how to mix genres, and Sex Is Zero is one of their biggest mistakes!
The actors do a good job. They are having fun. I have to especially mention Im Chang-jung who plays the biggest loser. He is fantastic!
Do you care about the characters? No, you don’t. It’s absolutely ridiculous when the question of abortion comes up. You feel no love in the movie. There’s zero chemistry between the boys and the girls, but luckily the actors do a great job.
Rarely has genre mixïng been as destructive as we see in Sex Is Zero. Fortunately, Sex Is Zero 2 dropped this nonsense with abortion. Sex Is Zero is a movie you have to watch if you like sex comedies. You will laugh well and loud when the idiotic characters end up in trouble all the time. Sex Is Zero dares to do things American Pie was never close to. It’s a wild and fun ride until the abortion topic comes up. Then you can turn off the movie and remember the good things you saw.