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Mother (2009) – English Review


A young woman is found killed, and the police suspect that there’s a mentally challenged man who’s the perpetrator. He lives with his mother, and they have a slightly dark past together. The mother will do anything she can to free her son. Because she’s sure that he didn’t kill the young woman. Continue reading “Mother (2009) – English Review”

A Dirty Carnival (2006) – English Review

a dirty carnival

A gangster has serious financial problems. He must provide for his family, and he must also provide for his minions. He’s desperate, and he will do anything to earn some money. One day he gets an offer he can’t say no to. Continue reading “A Dirty Carnival (2006) – English Review”

C’est Si Bon (2015)


Vi følger tre musikere som forsøker å starte et band. Problemet er at den ene av dem ikke er like god som de to andre, men han gjør sitt beste. Så en dag dukker det opp en vakker kvinne som alle tre blir forelsket i, og det vil selvfølgelig skape problemer for trioen. Continue reading “C’est Si Bon (2015)”

The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014)

the admiral roaring currents

En admiral med 12 skip må forsvare sjøveien til hovedstaden i Korea mot en stor japansk flåte. Koreanerne er i mindretall, men de har en fordel, de vet noe om sjøveien som ikke japanerne vet om. Continue reading “The Admiral: Roaring Currents (2014)”