The Snow White Murder Case (2014) – English Review

A woman is found murdered in a forest. She’s been stabbed several times, and her body has been burned. The media are covering the case, and they believe they know who was behind the murder. But is this person guilty?

The Snow White Murder Case is directed by Yoshihiro Nakamura. He’s the director behind movies such as The Foreign Duck, the Native Duck and God in a Coin Locker, Fish Story, See You Tomorrow, Everyone, and Golden Slumber. He’s been one of the better directors from Japan in recent years.

The Snow White Murder Case is a playful movie, yet it’s also sad. The woman who’s suspected of the killing is a person we gradually get to know when she grew up and the relationship she had with the deceased woman at work. You will feel sympathy for this woman. She‘s not a bad person, she’s just had bad luck since childhood.

The deceased woman was not a good person. It was just good that she died. Fortunately, the movie doesn’t try to create some sympathy for her and her family. The Snow White Murder Case focuses on how the media is not doing their job. And how dangerous social media like Twitter can be if you know anything about a high profile case and you are drinking too much alcohol one evening.

It’s a bit hard to guess who’s behind the murder. But to say it like this, I knew very well who wasn’t behind the murder. It’s not that hard to guess.

The Snow White Murder Case is a playful movie that has interesting characters that you learn to know, and the actors also do their job. So this is a movie that’s worth a watch.

Rating: 7/10

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