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Daughter of Darkness (1993) – English Review

A family is brutally killed, and the police suspect that the remaining daughter in the family or her boyfriend killed them. What was the reason for the murders? Continue reading “Daughter of Darkness (1993) – English Review”

Daughter of Darkness (1993): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English

This is a movie commentary and movie review of Daughter of Darkness (1993). Continue reading “Daughter of Darkness (1993): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English”

Naked Soldier (2012): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English

This is a full-length movie commentary and movie review of Naked Soldier (2012). Continue reading “Naked Soldier (2012): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English”

Erotic Ghost Story II (1991) – English Review

The sex demon from the first movie is back. Now he is furious and horny! And he has possessed the body of Anthony Wong! Continue reading “Erotic Ghost Story II (1991) – English Review”

The Legendary Tai Fei (1999)


Det viser seg at Tai Fei er faren til en busepiller som er medlem av en rivaliserende triadegruppe. Men hans sønn aksepterer ikke at Tai Fei er hans far, så Tai Fei må gjøre det han kan for å å bevise for sønnen at han tilhører ham. Men sjefen til sønnen gjør det ikke enkelt for Tai Fei. Continue reading “The Legendary Tai Fei (1999)”