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The Booth (2005) – English Review

A radio host is starting to lose his mind in his small booth. Why is that? Is he an angel, or is he the devil himself? It’s been said that the booth is haunted, but do we believe that? Continue reading “The Booth (2005) – English Review”

Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (1995): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English

Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (1995): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English. Continue reading “Concrete-Encased High School Girl Murder Case (1995): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English”

Missing (2021) – English Review

A girl is searching for her father. He was searching for a serial killer to get some reward money, but then one day he disappears. Did he find the serial killer, or did the serial killer find him? Let’s find out! Continue reading “Missing (2021) – English Review”