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Everest (2015)


Mange gikk opp, men ikke alle kom ned igjen. Continue reading “Everest (2015)”

King Arthur (2004)

king arthur

How many times in battle have we snatched victory from the jaws of defeat? Outnumbered, outflanked, but still we triumph? With you at my side, we can do so again. Lancelot, we are knights. What other purpose do we serve if not for such a cause? Continue reading “King Arthur (2004)”

Love Actually (2003)

Hiya kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don’t buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free. Continue reading “Love Actually (2003)”

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)

En stor asteroide er i ferd med å treffe jorda, og det betyr jordas undergang. Vi følger en mann og en kvinne som finner tonen og kjærligheten på en lengre ferd før asteroiden treffer jorda. Continue reading “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)”