The Tiger: An Old Hunter’s Tale (2015) – English Review


Hunters are hunting a tiger who eats up tough men for breakfast.

The Tiger: An Old Hunter’s Tale is directed by Park Hoon-jung (New World), and in the lead role we find one of South Korea’s best actors, Choi Min-sik.

This is a movie with beautiful images, high mountains, and lots of snow. The story is interesting where we follow a tiger who is angry and searching for revenge. And we also follow an almost retired hunter who has a son, and they try to kill the dangerous tiger.

Everyone wants to kill this tiger because he’s the last tiger and the toughest one.

What’s interesting is that the movie has two protagonists. One is the hunter, and the other one is the tiger. We see and understand why this tiger doesn’t like people. It hates people, and it’s easy to understand. The humans in the movie are the bad guys, the tiger is the victim. This angle is very interesting.

The runtime feels too long. They could have trimmed down the runtime with 30 minutes. The plot repeats itself too much. The computer effects are mediocre, especially when there are animals on the screen. It took me out of the movie.

The movie also feels unreal when so many hunters and soldiers cannot kill a tiger. They panic all the time, and they never hit the tiger. The tiger can do as he pleases. It just looks stupid, and it didn’t feel believable.

The score is beautiful. The score gets very sore and touching towards the end of the movie with beautiful images. The ending is also excellent. It’s a dark ending, and I love dark endings.

This is a movie worth checking out. It could remind me of The Revenant with Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio, where the tiger is the character played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Rating: 7/10

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