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Human Pork Chop (2001) – English Review

The police find a human head in a Kitty Cat doll, and now they are questioning the people they suspect are behind the murder of a prostitute.

Human Pork Chop is based on true events called Hello Kitty Murder, where a prostitute was held captive for a month before she died. And they did some horrible things with her dead body, and they put her skull in a Kitty Cat doll.

It’s sad what happened, but I can not say that I cared so much about the prostitute. She looks and talks like a man. No customers want to have sex with her as she looks like shit, and the worst thing is that she’s a bad person. She’s a lazy drug addict who steals, and she doesn’t care about anyone besides herself. So why should we care about her? Lazy drug-addicted prostitute woman with a poor attitude who looks like shit and has a man’s voice. That’s not attractive!

Compared to what happened to the Japanese girl Junko Furuta, what we see in this movie is baby food in relation to what Junko Furuta had to go through before she died. It’s wrong what happened to the prostitute, don’t misunderstand me. But what happened to Junko Furuta is unfortunately in another league.

They beat the nasty prostitute up. She has to eat some feces, but not much else happens. Possibly there are things here that are missing, but I didn’t get the feeling they left out much.

The worst thing is that the movie tries to create sympathy for this character. It turns out that she’s pregnant, and that she intends to start a new life. Considering what we see in this movie, there’s not much of a life this kid would get with her as a mother. And it feels so false when we see a scene where she talks to grandma about her plans for the future. This scene will make you laugh and puke at the same time! Wake up, nasty prostitute woman!

The actors are decent, which surprised me after watching the Japanese movies about Junko Furuta. The actors are shit in those movies!

That said, what happened to the prostitute is sad. But as a movie, this isn’t an engaging experience as the prostitute is a nasty piece of work that I didn’t feel sympathy for.

Rating: 3/10

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