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Mortal Kombat (2021) – English Review

Cole Young, along with some allies, must take up the fight against evil fighters who want to rule the universe. This will be a battle of life and death! Continue reading “Mortal Kombat (2021) – English Review”

Bullet Train (2022) – English Review

Several assassins are passengers on a bullet train, and you can guess what will happen during this journey, can’t you? Yes, they will try to kill each other. Who is the smartest one of them, and why are there so many assassins on the same train? Continue reading “Bullet Train (2022) – English Review”

Shogun’s Ninja (1980)

shoguns ninja

En japansk mann returnerer hjem til Japan etter å ha vært på rømmen i mange år. Hans familie er døde, hans klan er glemt, men det viser seg at han har en kniv som er gull verdt. For denne kniven har gravert inn et kart til en gullgruve, og det er flere som vil ha tak i dette kartet. Continue reading “Shogun’s Ninja (1980)”