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Game of Thrones: Season 7 (2017)

Nå nærmer det seg. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 7 (2017)”

Game of Thrones: Season 6 (2016)


Brikkene forflyttes, nå nærmer det seg slutten. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 6 (2016)”

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)


En ny superskurk dukker opp, hans navn er Apocalypse. Continue reading “X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)”

Barely Lethal (2015)

barely lethal

Vi følger en tenåringsjente som ikke har hatt en normal oppvekst. Hun er en trent leiemorder, og når hennes arbeidsgiver tror at hun er død så får hun sjansen til å leve som en normal tenåring og hun begynner på en skole der hun forsøker å leve et normalt liv. Men idyllen vil ikke vare lenge. Continue reading “Barely Lethal (2015)”

Game of Thrones: Season 5 (2015)

game of thrones season 5

Hun flyr! Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 5 (2015)”

Game of Thrones: Season 4 (2014)

game of thrones season 4

Mange må dø. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 4 (2014)”

Game of Thrones: Season 3 (2013)

game of thrones season 3

Kampen om tronen fortsetter. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 3 (2013)”

Game of Thrones: Season 2 (2012)

game of thrones season 2 bd

For mange konger. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 2 (2012)”

Game of Thrones: Season 1 (2011)

game of thrones season 1 bd

Alt for tronen. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: Season 1 (2011)”