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So Close (2002) – English Review

We follow two sisters who work as assassins. Well, one of them is the killer, while the other one sits in front of the computer, and she is smoking HOT!! After their last mission, trouble will come knocking on their door. A female cop, who believes she is a man, is aggressive and on their tail, and an evil man wants them dead. Continue reading “So Close (2002) – English Review”

She Shoots Straight (1990) – English Review

A Vietnamese criminal gang takes the trip over to Hong Kong to rob a nightclub or nightclubs, I can’t remember. But they don’t expect that a family of cops is going to ruin their plans. Continue reading “She Shoots Straight (1990) – English Review”

So Close (2002): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English

This is a full-length movie commentary and movie review of So Close (2002). Continue reading “So Close (2002): Full-length movie commentary and movie review in English”

Yes, Madam (1985) – English Review

Some bad guys want a microfilm that some thieves have in their possession. And on their tails, we find two cops who are women. One of them rocks some ugly yellow socks, and she has been too much out in the sun. The other one has bought her clothes in Germany, and she should spend more time out in the sun. Continue reading “Yes, Madam (1985) – English Review”

Hero (1997)

hero 1997

Det er to gangstere som styrer Shanghai, og midt i mellom disse to befinner det seg en nykomling som ser opp til den ene gangsteren. Han ønsker å bli like stor og mektig, men da må han først finne fotfeste og skjønne politikken i Shanghai. Continue reading “Hero (1997)”

DOA: Dead or Alive (2006)

doa dead or alive

En gruppe med utvalgte kampsportutøvere blir invitert til å delta i en turnering som vil kåre verdens beste kampsportutøver, og vinneren vil også få en fin sum med penger. Men arrangøren har også sine onde planer. Continue reading “DOA: Dead or Alive (2006)”